Management Team

肖美珍 Sarah Xiao
北京大学MBA, 前Comrise 中国区总裁,曾供职于宏基集团、ABB中国从事人力资源招聘培训工作, 北京大学HR创新沙龙发起人,巾帼女性论坛发起人之一,清华经管职业发展规划师。

刘峰 Rebecca Liu
Rebecca在人力资源行业积累了超过12年的实战经验,在金融及广泛产业领域积累了丰富的人才管理服务经验。 在加入神州伯乐之前,Rebecca曾任职于世界500强快消公司、主板上市公司,长期负责内部人力资源管理工作。Rebecca 常驻北京办公室,负责职未来(Career Next)品牌运营,分管医疗健康、高科技等产业领域中高端招聘项目及企业培训业务。
Rebecca has successfully developed her career in Human Resources sector for over 12 years and accumulated strong experience in talent sourcing and management across various industries with particular focus on investment, and executive postings. Prior to Bole-China Consultancy, Rebecca was HRM with FMCG Fortune 500 company and China listed companies.

贾学佳 Daniel Jia
Daniel专注于私募股权、风险投资基金、产业投资并购以及董事会秘书等战略性岗位的高端人才招聘。Daniel 以及他的团队成功支持多家金融机构客户搭建投资团队, 在TMT, 医疗健康, 文化体育/泛娱乐, AI, 高端装备,能源等行业的投资领域有丰富的人脉网络。
Daniel has developed a strong focus on PE/VC sector and other investment related areas, successfully supported his clients to identify high quality candidates, setting up new team across all levels from Associate to VP, ED, MD level.

赵冬芳Doria Zhao
Team Leader
Doria 以及她的团队在股权投资,产业金融领域积累了丰富的中高层招聘服务经验, 尤其擅长投资,财务,法务, 品牌公关等职能模块招聘。 Doria 拥有大连海事大学工商管理硕士学位。
Doria holds master degree from Dalian Maritime University. Her team is specialized in middle to senior positions assignments with a particular focus on investment, accounting & finance, legal, PR/Branding functions.

何俊蕾Phoebe He
Team Leader
Phoebe以及她的团队专注资管、融资租赁&保理等领域中高端人才招聘服务,操作职位覆盖前中后台,其中包括公司副总,金融市场总经理,资产管理高级经理,法务风控副总,业务部团队长等。加入神州伯乐之前, Phoebe 曾服务于某知名外资猎头公司,积累了丰富的人才访寻经验。
Phoebe accumulated over 7 years professional experience in recruitment industry. Prior to Bole-China, Phoebe worked for a fourtune 500 human resources group. Phoebe leads her team with a particular focus on asset management, financial leasing sectors.